The sequence diagram showcases the User initiating requests, handled by the API Gateway, which routes them to various services like A, B, and C for processing. Responses are directed back to the User through the API Gateway. Additionally, the API Gateway manages logs, confirms storage, and handles asynchronous requests, demonstrating the core interactions in this microservices setup.


Edit this diagram in Gleek

Microservices diagram code in Gleek

User- sends request -> API Gateway

API Gateway- routes request ->+ Service A

Service A- processes request ->- API Gateway

API Gateway- sends response -> User

API Gateway- sends request ->+ Service B

Service B- processes request ->- API Gateway

API Gateway- sends response -> User

User- receives response -> API Gateway

API Gateway- logs request and response ->+ Logging Service

Logging Service- stores logs ->- API Gateway

API Gateway- confirms log storage -> User

Note: API Gateway is the single entry point for all clients:note -- API Gateway

User- initiates asynchronous request -> API Gateway

API Gateway- sends message -> Event Bus

Asynchronous Communication:note -- API Gateway

API Gateway- acknowledges receipt of the request -> User

API Gateway- continues processing other requests -> API Gateway

User- continues processing other requests -> User

User- sends another request -> API Gateway

API Gateway- routes request ->+ Service C

Service C- processes request ->- API Gateway

API Gateway- sends response -> User

About sequence diagrams

Sequence or event diagrams help create an overview of how a system works. Sequence diagrams show how all the different parts interact with each other over time, carry out the required actions, and complete processes. A sequence diagram descends from top to bottom showing a sequence of interactions and sequence diagram notations.

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