This ER diagram illustrates a College Management System involving Students, Courses, Professors, and Departments. Students are enrolled in courses, with each student linked to a department. Courses are taught by professors, with each course associated with a department. Professors work in departments, and departments have heads overseeing them. The relationships between these entities depict how students enroll in courses offered by departments, how courses are taught by professors working in those departments, and how a designated faculty member heads each department.


Edit this diagram in Gleek

College management system diagram code in Gleek


    UniqueIdentifier id PK "Student's unique identifier"

    string name "Student's name"

    string email "Student's email"

    UniqueIdentifier departmentId FK "Foreign key to Department entity"


    UniqueIdentifier id PK "Course's unique identifier"

    string name "Course's name"

    UniqueIdentifier professorId FK "Foreign key to Professor entity"

    UniqueIdentifier departmentId FK "Foreign key to Department entity"


    UniqueIdentifier id PK "Professor's unique identifier"

    string name "Professor's name"

    string email "Professor's email"

    UniqueIdentifier departmentId FK "Foreign key to Department entity"


    UniqueIdentifier id PK "Department's unique identifier"

    string name "Department's name"

    string head "Head of the department"

Student {1}-enrolledIn-{0..n} Course

Course {1}-taughtBy-{1} Professor

Student {1}-belongsTo-{1} Department

Professor {1}-worksIn-{1} Department

Course {1}-offeredBy-{1} Department

About ER diagrams

We often make an entity-relationship (ER) diagram, ERD, or entity-relationship model, in the early stages of designing a database. An ERD is perfect for quickly sketching out the elements needed in the system. The ERD explains how the elements interact. ER diagrams can be shared with colleagues. Their simplicity makes them ideal even for non-technical stakeholders.

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